Shift Click
DMCA process
At Shift Click, we take copyrights very seriously. As such, we have a process in place in order to comply with the DMCA and other digital copyrights law in various countries.
If you want content to be removed from the website, because you have valid reasons and can prove that it violates the copyrights law, please contact us on twitter. We will then give you a link to an online form in order for you to fill a proper takedown request.
Requests are typically answered quickly and delt with as soon as possible. Your cooperation and willingness to comply with out demands will make the process easier and quicker for both parties. Please allow at least 48 hours before sending more tweets.
Please also consider not being rude, racist, homophobe nor genderphone as we condemn those acts.
We may also ask you to send us documents by regular or express mail or by fax. Your failure to comply with our demands will stop any ongoing process.
Consult our terms of services for more information.